Monday, April 8, 2013

Honorable | Hannah Bollar

At Harker, we seem to have our own society. In it, we are given opportunity and the freedom to excel. These, however, are all due to the type of society we have created: a completely honorable one. Honor is one of the underlying features of Harker society. Sometimes it could be a little thing such as holding the door open for someone or not sharing one’s homework, and sometimes it could be a big thing as not cheating on a test. Being honorable is an important part of being a person who does the right things and follows gallant words with dutiful actions. In the Middle Ages, a Lord’s crest on the battlefield aided the soldiers in identifying their allies through a sea of people. At Harker, I feel this sense of pride toward our own Harker crest, which brings a sense of honorable unity to us academically and even on the field. The season has just begun, but every time I stand on the lacrosse field, I can count on my team to back me up as we push for the win. At this school, I have gained many lifelong friends, and the nature of Harker's society will influence how I will approach future situations in my life. With the type of society we have built, I am proud to say that Harker’s Life is Truly Honorable. (HLIH)

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