Monday, April 22, 2013

42+0 Isn't the Answer to Life | Aaron Lee

Since today is April 20, 2013, the date struck me. Other than being a normal Saturday morning, today was national cannabis day. Across the globe, many celebrated this holiday. All of us are also fully aware that although illegal, many others - including high school students - make the decision to take drugs like these. Some may take it cause they think its the "cool" trend, some may take it out of curiosity, or some may take it as a solution to their anxiety, depression, and troubles. No matter how intruding some of us may be in attempting to influence others' personal decisions, we should work harder in making aware the influence of drugs. Some, curious as to what a "high" may be, may take it fully confident they can resist addiction. Drugs don't necessarily make you bad people - I found out in the past some of my nicest friends might have taken pot. No matter who you are, however, they will definitely destroy your identity. You may escape its addictive influence, but you will have mangled your identity and allowed drugs to shape yourself a new one.

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