Friday, April 25, 2014

Pride In Harker School's Orchestra | Sohil Patel

As an orchestra member, my spring break was special! The whole orchestra had the opportunity to go to Chicago to premiere a piece and also perform two other pieces. The trip however, was more than just going, performing, and coming back. Personally, I had the opportunity of making new friends and had the pride of representing the school in a competition. I got to know new people and because of this trip, I was able to be accepted into three new friend circles at Harker! After the performance, I was impressed with the way each individual performed. I am very grateful and proud of all members that participated in this event because I feel that everyone contributes to the greatness of the ensemble. Special thanks to our conductor, Mr. Florio, who had always inspired us before we performed. I also want to thank Mr. Keller and Mrs. Keller for watching our performance. Meeting them at Chicago really pumped us up to perform well :)

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