Sunday, January 27, 2013

Honor Appreciation | Monica Thukral

My previous school’s everyday environment was absolutely the antithesis of that of Harker. Unfortunately, despite the many positive aspects of the school, the negative is what I will always remember: daily thefts and constant uneasiness.

When I joined Harker in the ninth grade, what surprised me the most was trust established within the tightly knit community. At first I laughed to myself at how naïve these students must be, as they left their laptops and other valuables scattered around the campus. Surely, they wouldn’t still be there when they returned, I thought. It wasn’t long before I began to do the same, eternally grateful for the ease at which I felt around the faculty and students of my new school.

In my opinion, this trust is the greatest aspect of Harker, and although we sometimes take it for granted, I love to think about just how lucky we are to spend our days in such an environment. Let us all work to keep it that way and increase the bond and faith we have between each other.

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