Sunday, February 22, 2015

Learning in silence | Sohil Patel

Last Wednesday, all of the students in the AP Calculus BC class entered in silence. The entire class was taught without anyone, including the calculus teacher, speaking a single word. Honestly, this was the most productive class ever. In truth, the teacher did us a favor, a “service” that allowed us to keep calm and think silently on the lesson, instead of spewing our thoughts out. In an environment where relaxation is embraced (we occasionally do an introductory meditation before starting our class), our sense of character—respect for others—grow too. Our mind simply becomes poised after a long day of anxiety and worry everyday.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Now that APs are over, everyone can relax. Everyone needs a bit of relaxation in his/her life. It’s time to relax finally! MLIH


When a freshman needed help with his homework, I helped him by giving him hints but did not just told him the answer. MLIH


On Monday, I told a friend to put the French fries container in the wet trash can. Every container counts! MLIH


If you are unhappy about what you saw on your grade report, stop and think positively. You should be proud of how your efforts and hard work throughout the semester have paid off. Remember, you are not your grade. MLIH


As final exams are coming up, don't forget that sleeping and eating are as important as if not more crucial than studying is. Make a study plan so that you can make sure you are not overworked but actually well prepared and healthy for your exams. MLIH

Friday, April 25, 2014

Pride In Harker School's Orchestra | Sohil Patel

As an orchestra member, my spring break was special! The whole orchestra had the opportunity to go to Chicago to premiere a piece and also perform two other pieces. The trip however, was more than just going, performing, and coming back. Personally, I had the opportunity of making new friends and had the pride of representing the school in a competition. I got to know new people and because of this trip, I was able to be accepted into three new friend circles at Harker! After the performance, I was impressed with the way each individual performed. I am very grateful and proud of all members that participated in this event because I feel that everyone contributes to the greatness of the ensemble. Special thanks to our conductor, Mr. Florio, who had always inspired us before we performed. I also want to thank Mr. Keller and Mrs. Keller for watching our performance. Meeting them at Chicago really pumped us up to perform well :)