Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Stay true to your own course | Sohil Patel

The Life session today really sparked thoughts never really thought of. (The session, by the way, talked about how to choose courses). The Life session started by having students reflect upon what they enjoy doing, and writing that reflection down on a card.The session focused on bestowing truth to the concept of going to school for fun. Life is not all about grades, but also about learning and satiating curiosity. We should choose courses that really interest us and that develop our personality. If you don't know what you like, just try different courses and events at Harker until you find something that fits you. You never know what you might end up liking. Thus, if you are feeling down because you got a bad grade on a previous test, it's OK. Just move on, and enjoy the courses you take. Form a unique high school experience. After all, you only get one chance in your life to be a high school student, so enjoy the roses on the sidewalk while you walk through high school!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


When my friend, who was eating lunch, was late for a meeting with a teacher today, I offered to throw away his lunch so that he could run to his meeting. MLIH


I attended the Spanish Cultural Night on Friday. Well done to those who sang, danced, or simply did an act for the audience. I also helped clean up the auditorium when the event was done, including throwing away the garbage and returning the leftover foods to the kitchen. In all, I enjoyed my time there! MLIH


Today, I saw that many people were going to leave school for the science synopsis. Good job for taking a stance on a scientific issue in our community and good luck to those participants! MLIH

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Today while leaving Harker, I found a empty bottle of yogurt on the ground in the parking lot. I then proceeded to throw away the yogurt in the trash can instead of leaving it in the parking lot. MLIH


One of my friends was about to throw away her pudding bottle in the recycling can. I stopped her and told her to throw it in the trash, since the pudding bottle was not recyclable and did not belong there. MLIH


The other day, I found a missing book in a class room with in a name in it. I needed the same book for another class and forgot to bring my own. Instead of keeping the found book for class, I returned it to its original owner. MLIH